SSC Result 2023 will be Published on 28th July 2023
SSC Result 2023 will be Published on 28th July 2023, Thursday at 10:30 AM by the education Minister of Bangladesh via press conference. In this year, 11 education boards have taken part in the SSC and equivalent examinations with a total of 17,66,603 students. Among them 83.75 percent students have passed rest of the students have been failed in the SSC/Dakhil and equivalent examinations in the last year. But in this year, students have participated in a short syllabus with only group based three elective subjects. So they are expecting plenty of passing rate in this year. So the result will publish 28th July 2023. Results will find via online and SMS.
SSC Result 2023 will be Published on 28th July 2023
Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examination results has been released today at 10:30 AM on 28th November. On November 30, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the distribution of free textbooks for the next academic year. Discussions are going on that SSC and equivalent results may release on the same day.
However, the date has not finalised yet. The release date of the results will finalise very soon. This information has known from the sources of Dhaka Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Asked about this, Dhaka Board of Secondary and Higher Education Chairman Nehal Ahmed told Prothom Alo that the results would be released within this month.
Generally, every time the Prime Minister formally inaugurates the results. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is currently visiting the Maldives. She has scheduled to return to his country on November 28. The results will release by November 30. The results will release on the day Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina agrees.
এসএসসি ফল প্রকাশ। এসএসসি ও সমমানের পরীক্ষায় গড় পাসের হার ৯৩.৫৮
যেভাবে ফলাফল জানা যাবে
আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে ফলাফল প্রকাশের পর শিক্ষার্থীরা শিক্ষা বোর্ডগুলোর ওয়েবসাইট ও এসএমএসের মাধ্যমে ফল জানতে পারবে। এই ওয়েবসাইটে রোল নম্বর, রেজিস্ট্রেশন নম্বর, পরীক্ষার নাম, বছর ও শিক্ষা বোর্ড সিলেক্ট করে সাবমিট বাটনে ক্লিক করে ফল জানা যাবে। এ ছাড়া মুঠোফোনে খুদে বার্তার মাধ্যমেও ফলাফল জানা যাবে। মুঠোফোনের মেসেজ অপশনে গিয়ে SSC লিখে স্পেস দিয়ে বোর্ডের নামের প্রথম তিন অক্ষর লিখে স্পেস দিয়ে রোল নম্বর লিখে আবার স্পেস দিয়ে পাসের বছর লিখে পাঠাতে হবে ১৬২২২ নম্বরে। উদাহরণ-SSC DHA 123456 2023 লিখে পাঠাতে হবে ১৬২২২ নম্বরে। ফিরতি এসএমএসে জানা যাবে ফল।
মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষা বোর্ডের জন্য DAKHIL লিখে স্পেস দিয়ে বোর্ডের নামের প্রথম তিন অক্ষর লিখে আবার স্পেস দিয়ে রোল নম্বর লিখে স্পেস দিয়ে পাসের সাল লিখে পাঠাতে হবে ১৬২২২ নম্বরে। উদাহরণ-DAKHIL MAD 123456 2023 লিখে পাঠাতে হবে ১৬২২২ নম্বরে। ফিরতি এসএমএসে জানা যাবে ফল।
It has informed that the results have prepared by the Inter-Education Board Coordination Committee and sent to the Ministry of Education on Sunday (November 19). The Ministry will fix the date with the consent of the Prime Minister.
On 28th November, Bangladesh education board has declared to publish the SSC/Dakhil and its equivalent examinations results of all education board together on 28th July 2023. This year the result is in delayed due to Pandemic Covid-19 issue around the country. In previous years, the results of SSC and equivalent examinations released in the first week of May. This year, education board has taken a very good step to send results of the SSC examinations to the mobile phones of all guardians through SMS. As if students and their guardians can find their expected results staying at home that’s why education board of Bangladesh has taken this step.
SSC Result Summary 2023 – Pass rate Pass Rate 93.58%
The average pass rate in this year’s Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations is 93.58 percent. Last time it was 82.87 percent. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina officially released the results on Thursday. According to the education boards, the average pass rate in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations is 93.56 percent. This time the total number of candidates was 22 lakh 40 thousand 395 people. Of these, 20 lakh 96 thousand 548 people have passed. On the other hand, under 9 genera
How To Check SSC Result 2023
Students can get their most expected results via online and SMS respectively. To check results via online students and guardians need to visit the education board’s official website at and But they can also find results from their own education board’s official website as well.
SSC Result Via Text Message
In this year 13 lac students have participated in the pre-registration SMS program to collect their results via text message from the education board. But if anyone does’t participate in this program he/she can also check their results via SMS. To get results via SMS, students need to send a simple short message to the number of 16222 for the cost of 2.55 BDT only.
SMS FORMAT: Type SSC/Dakhil <space> 1st Three Letters of Education Board Name (JES) <space> SSC Roll <space> Examination Year (2023).
Example: SSC JES 876543 2023> 16222
If you have further question about getting Dakhil, SSC and its equivalent result kindly leave a comment on our comment section.